Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Feeling Christmas-y

Last week was our yearly tradition of seeing Santa and shopping for a new Christmas ornament.

It didn't go exactly as planned, and at the time I was so annoyed with all the setbacks.

I have had a different perspective (and still a very heavy heart) these last few days, so reflecting on this trip has me feeling more grateful than anything else.

I am going to enjoy every remaining minute of this holiday season - completely overlooking minor annoyances and inconveniences - and just be grateful for every second I have with my family.

 This is my reminder to myself that no matter what is happening in this big world we live in, as long as I have the health and safety and happiness of my husband and my children, I have everything.

And now to lift the mood just a bit, the Churches years-in-review as per their ornaments:

2007, the year we started our annual ornament collection, saw Narls' first Christmas,

and 2008 was the year Clay and I officially became engaged.

2009 was a pretty epic year with the birth of Emerson and buying our first house,

and 2010 we got Snowmeow kitten.

2011 brought our surprise Las Vegas wedding!,

and 2012 we got Lainey puppy.

Not a bad five years.
Nope, not bad at all.

1 comment:

  1. I know I've said before, but I *LOVE* your ornament tradition. I hope that when I have kids, I can make the holidays half as special and memorable as you do for yours.
